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Research Projects

Configuring Environment and Food (CONEF): Critical Technoscientific Networks and the Agrifood Sector in Greece 1950-2017, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Principal Investigator, funded by The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, 2019-2022 

The Perils of Prediction in the Physical Sciences: Historical and Epistemological Perspectives (PYTHIA), National and Kapodstrian University of Athens research project (PI: Professor Theodore Arabatzis), funded by The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, Researcher, 2019-2023.

23 June 2017- 22 June 2021, Cost Action CA 16202, International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products

- Co-investigator

- Member of the Management Committee

1/2016- to the present Co-investigator in the project History of Nuclear Energy and Society (HoNESt)

Experts, Civil Society, Techno-politics and the ‘Nuclearlity’ of Greece 1960 to the present (

2014-present, Intellectual ‘Property’, Industrial Culture and the Politics of Invention in 20TH Century Greece

Research Network Member, Project: Patent Diversity


2012-present General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Greece, Programme for post-doctoral fellowships

Principal Investigator, Project: Techno-sciences on Trial: Courts, Experts and Culture in post-War Greece, 1950-2010


2/5/2011- 20/1/2012, Cardiff University, Welsh School of Architecture, Low Carbon Research Institute

Research Associate

EPRC Funded Project: Transition Pathways in Low Carbon Economy

Historical case studies of the energy sector: electricity and gas

Historically informed policy for low carbon transition pathways


10/2010- 1/5/2011University of Edinburgh, School of Geosciences

Technology and Innovation Studies Researcher

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Project: Realizing the Potential?

UKERC funded project; Participants: School of Geosciences and Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation, University of Edinburgh; SPRU, University of Sussex; Energy and Technology Policy Unit, Imperial College

• History of the UK Natural Gas Network, 1960-2010: Uncertain Transitions and Transitional Uncertainties

• Historically Informed Reconstructions on Technological Analogues to CCS technological system

• History and Politics of Carbon Capture Technologies.


3/9/2007-31-/9/2010 University of Leeds- Department of Philosophy

Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Post-doc Research Fellow

Research Project: ‘Owning and Disowning Invention: Intellectual Property, Authority and Identity in the British Science and Technology, 1880-1920’.

  • History of Intellectual Property in Science and Technology

1/1/2007- 30/6/2010 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Associate Researcher

Member of the research network ‘Inventing Europe: Technology and the Making of Europe, 1850 to the present’

Member of the research project ‘Technologies of Network Interfaces: The International Links of Greece’s power and communication infrastructure’, ‘Eurocrit: The emergence and governance of critical transnational European Infrastructures’ (

Eurocrit Project Director: Arne Kaijser, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.


1/1/1999- 31/6/1999 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NUA) - Department of History and Philosophy of Science

Junior Researcher

Research project on the history of educational institutions in the Greek speaking areas from 15th to the end of 19th centuries

Project leaders: Prof. Kostas Gavroglu, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Prof. Dimitris Dialetis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


1/1/1998-31/6/1998 National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF)

Junior Researcher

Research project on the history of scientific instruments in Greek educational institutions from the late 18th to the Second World War

Archival research and data compilation

Participation in the initial stage of the construction of the Virtual museum of the History of Scientific Instruments (

Project Leaders: Dr Efthymios Nikolaidis (NHRF)

Prof. Michalis Assimakopoulos (NTUA)

Administration Positions and Work

- September 2023 for two years, Director (elect) of the Unit of History of Science and Technology, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 

-2021-present, Member of the National Council of Research and Innovation

            Unit/Task force on Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property.


- 2021-present, Undergraduate Studies Committee (Επιτροπή Σπουδών), Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


-2021-present, Admissions Panel, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


-2019-2021 Member of the Management Board of the Science Library, School of Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


-2014-2015, 2020-2021Member of the Examination Board of the Admissions for Mature Students, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


-2021-2023 Responsible for the Annual Teaching Program and the Examinations Schedule, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


-2018-2022, 2023-to date, Member of the Management Committee of the Postgraduate Program “Science, Technology, Society”


-2018-2022 Member of the Admissions Committee of the Postgraduate Program “Science, Technology, Society”

Name: Dr. Efstathios (Stathis) Arapostathis

Work Address: Department of Philosophy and History of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University Campus, Ilissia 15771, ATHENS, Greece

Work tel: +30 210 7275583/ Mobile tel: +30 6937118141

e-mail: araposta8hs.html


Academic Posts

01/2020-present Associate Professor in the History of Science and Technology, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


19/6/2023-19/9/2023 Visiting Researcher, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS), funded by Institut Francilien Recherche, Innovation et Société, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée


02/2023-03/2023 Visiting Researcher, Science, Technology and Society Unit, Graz University, Austria


10/2022-02/2023 Visiting Researcher, Centre Population et Developpement (CEPED), Université Paris Cité, Paris, France


04/2015-01/2020 Assistant Professor in the History of Science and Technology, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


01/2019-05/2019 Seeger Fellow, University of Princeton, Princeton


02/2016-05/2016 Fulbright Fellow, Law School, Centre for Science and Innovation Studies, University of California at Davis, USA


01/2012- 04/2015 Lecturer in the History of Science and Technology, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


10/2013- to date Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Program of European Civilization, Adjunct Professor


2/5/2011- 20/1/2012 Research Associate-Cardiff University, Welsh School of Architecture, Low Carbon Research Institute, EPRC Project: Transition Pathways in Low Carbon Economy


1/5/2011- 31/8/2011 ‘Scholar in residence’ in the Marconi Collection and the History of Science Museum, Douglas Byrne Fellowship, Oxford University. PI in the project Wireless at the Bar: Marconi’s Intellectual Property Management and Patent Disputes.  


10/2010- 1/5/2011 Technology and Innovation Studies Researcher University of Edinburgh, School of Geosciences, UKEC Project, Sociotechnical Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) system.


9/2007- 9/2010 Research Fellow in University of Leeds, Philosophy Department- Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science. AHRC funded Project: ‘Owning and Disowning Invention: Intellectual Property and Authority in Science and Technology in Britain, 1880-1920’


1/1/1999-31/6/1999 Assistant Researcher, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of History and Philosophy of Science

1/1/1998-31/6/1998 Assistant Researcher, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) & National Hellenic Research Foundation (Center of Modern Greek Studies)



2006 – PhD  University of Oxford- Faculty of Modern History D. Phil Thesis: ‘Consulting Engineers in the British Electric Light and Power Industry, c 1880-1914’ (awarded November 2006), Supervisor: Prof. Robert Fox 


1996-1999 MA (Distinction) in History and Philosophy of Science and                                Technology- National University of Athens - Department of History and                                                                           Philosophy of Science


1990-1996 BSc Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Department of Physics


Teaching and Educational Experience


2012-to date National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Lecturer (1/2012-03/2015) and Assistant Professor (04/2015- 01/2020) and Associate Professor (01/2020 – to date) in History of Science and Technology 

Undergraduate Modules 

1.    Special Topics in the History of Technology (Spring 2012), with A. Tympas

2.    History of Science and Technology Policy (Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016). 

3.    History of Technology (Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2020, Spring 2021).

4.    Special Topics in the History of Technology (Spring 2013) with Α. Tympas.

5.    Special Topics in the History of Technology II (Spring 2013, Spring 2014)

6.    Science, Technology and Society (Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Spring 2018, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023)

7.    Science and Technology Policy (Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021)

8.    Law, Science and Technology (Fall 2018, Fall 2019)

Teaching Evaluations

History of Technology (Spring 2018): 4,55/5 

                                      (Spring 2013): 4,26/5 

                                      (Spring 2014): 4,17/5

History of Science and Technology Policy (Fall 2013): 4,32/5 

Special Topics in History of Technology II (Fall, 2013): 4,99/5 

Science, Technology, Society (Spring 2022): 4,20/5 

                                                  (Spring 2021): 3,85/5   

                                                  (Spring 2019): 3,59/5

                                                  (Spring 2018): 3,96/5 

                                                  (Fall, 2014): 4,12/5 

                                                  (Fall, 2013): 4,12/5 

Science and Technology Policy (Fall 2020): 4,08/5 


Postgraduate Modules

Postgraduate program in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology:

  1. History of Technology (Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2015) with A. Tympas.

  2. Science, Technology and Society (Fall 2012, Fall 2014) with A. Tympas.

  3. Science, Technology and Environment (Spring, 2013) with A. Tympas και S. Tzokas.

  4. Law, Science and Technology: Intellectual Property and the Making of Science and Technology (Spring 2014; Fall 2016; Fall 2017)

  5. Science and Technology Policy (Fall 2014, Spring 2023) as part of the European Studies in Science and Technology Postgraduate Programme (ESST)

  6. Science, Technology and Society (Fall 2014) as part of the European Studies in Science and Technology Postgraduate Programme

  7. Governance, Technosciences and Democracy (Spring 2017; Spring 2018, Fall 2020)

  8. Environment, Technoscience, State (Fall 2018)

  9. Science and Technology Policy (Fall 2019)

  10. Environment, Technoscience and Governance (Spring 2020)

  11. Environment, Knowledge, Toxicities (Spring 2021)

  12. Responsible and Open Research and Innovation (Science and Technology Policy) (Fall 2021, Spring 2023)


Postgraduate program in Science, Technology, Society

  1.  Science and Technology Policy (Fall 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

  2.  Law, Science and Technology (Fall 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)


Supervision of Master Theses

Postgraduate Program in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

Spyridon Boudukis (Multi-level Perspective (MLP): A critical approach of a model of sociotechnical transformation) 


Melina Antonakaki (Stem Cells and Biopolitics: STS approaches and the Greek experience) 


Yannis Fotopoulos (Infrastructures and Politics of Natural Gas in Greece) 

Olga Sideri, (Marine Technologies, Policies and Climate Change) 


Nikos Symvoulidis, (Intellectual Property and Academic Research: Approaches from STS in Greek Scientific Labs) 


Paula Ott, ESST TransEuropean Postgraduate Program (Spinning the Wheel: The relationship of law and technology in the European online gambling industry).

Frantseska Papanika (Law, Engineers and the Construction Industry in Greece, 1974 to the present) 

Postgraduate Program “Science, Technology, Society/Science and Technology Studies”

Stamatina Loukea (Autonomous Vehicles as Public Technologies)

Vasiliki Karantzavelou (Social Representation of Toxicities: Environment, Technosciences, Society) 

Meilin Sara (Alternative Food Networks: The case of community-based green houses in the Netherlands)

Alexia Papadimitriou (Unveiling the Covid-free Application in Greece: Analysis of the Design, Implementation, and Redefining Control Beyond Surveillance) (part of the ESST Postgraduate Program)


10/2013-to date, Adjunct Professor in History and Philosophy of Science, Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Program of European Civilization, Module: History of Natural and Social Sciences

            2017-to date Module Moderator [Evaluation as moderator: 4,88/5]

Teaching Evaluations

History of Natural and Social Sciences,  2021-2022 (3,86/5)

                                                                 2020-2021 (4,59/5)

                                                                 2019-2020 (4,23/5)

                                                                 2016-2017 (4,78/5)

                                                                 2015-2016 (4,80/5)

                                                                 2014-2015 (4,69/5)

                                                                 2013-2014 (4,61/5)


10/2015-12/2018, Affiliated Assistant Professor in Environment and Society, Democretian University of Thrace, Department of Education Science, Postgraduate programme in Environment, Environmental Education and Society


01/2016- to date, Afilliated Assistant Professor in Toxicology and Society, University of Thessaly, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Postgraduate Programme in Toxicology, Module: Biotech and Society: Governing Social Interactions and Policy Challenges  


PhD Thesis Supervisions & Participation in Advisory Committees (Co-supervision)

Eli Nakopoulou, Research Policy and Networks in Europe: The case of Renewable Energy Sources from 1970 to the present (Completed March 2023) (supervisor)

Yannis Fotopoulos, ‘Critical Technological Infrastructures in Modern History of Greece: Governance and Technopolitics’ (Completed February 2022) (supervisor)

Eleftherios Anastasakis, Technological Change and Innovation in Greek Industries in Greece, 1950-1973 (completed June 2021) (co-advisor, member of the advisory committee and the examination board)

Kostas Vattes, Socio-technical energy transitions and the tourist industry: Steering to 

sustainable development in Greece (completed March 2019) (supervisor)

Nikos Symvoulidis, Research Politics and the Commercialization of Research in Greece (3rd year) (supervisor)

Sotirios Alexakis, Agriculture Research Politics and Technoscientific Networks in Greece 1900-1967 (4th year) (supervisor)

Dimitra Barkouta, ‘The Environmental Impact Assessment and the Energy infrastructures in Greece: Making Law and Governing Sustainable Transitions’ (6th year) (supervisor)

Alexandros Chania, ‘Technology, Science and Food: Governance, Experts and Industry in Greece since World War II’ (1styear) (supervisor)

Vassiliki Karatzavelou, ‘Framing and Representing Public Health, Food and Environment: The social construction of olive oil’, (2nd year) (supervisor)

Stamatina Loukea, ‘Autonomous Road Transport Vehicles in Transition: Governing Transition Pathways and Inclusive Sociotechnical Change’ (3rd year) (supervisor)

Alexandros Chania, “Technology, Science and Food: Governance, Law and Industry in Post-War Greece” (1st year) (supervisor)

Iraklis Vogiatzis, Algortithms and Society, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, 5th year (Advisory Committee)


Vassiliki Christopoulou, Lord Rayleigh on experiment, accuracy and scientific errors, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, 4th year (Advisory Committee)

Yannis Kanakis, Urban Transportation and Sustainability Planning: the case of Chania, Technical University of Crete, 2ndyear (Co-advisor, advisory committee)


Participation in the Examination Board of PhDs


Αspects of the British radical science movement”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2023, (Member of the Examination Board)


Yiorgos Mattes, “The role of National Funding Schemes in the making of the Greek academic community, 1951-1974”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (2023) (Member of the Examination Board)


Grigoris Panoutsopoulos, “Planning CERN's Large Hadron Collider: An Entanglement of Physics, Technology and Diplomacy”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2023, (Member of the Examination Board)


Stylianos Kampoyridis, “Bytes as Test Tubes”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2023, (Member of the Examination Board)


Vassiliki Georgatzi, “Sociotechnical Transition and the emergence of breakthrough business models: Urban mobilities in periods of economic and ecological crisis”, June 2022, Economics Department, Thessaly University (Member of the Examination Board). 


Antonia Pavli, “Taxonomy Systems and Disability: The case of Greece, 1990-2015”, Orebro University, Sweden (2017) (Member of the Examination Board)


Georgia Hirhanteri, “Buildings and Power Stations of the Electrification of Greece, 1880-1950”, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) (2016) (Member of the Examination Board).


Konstantinos Morfakis, “The public image of Science and Technology: The case of biotechnology and biosciences in Greece”, NKUA (2015) (Member of the Examination Board)


Iraklis Katsaloulis, “Scientific Disputes and Science Policy in Greece: The case of VAN”, NKUA (2015) (Member of the Examination Board)


Katerina Vlantoni, “Technological Accidents and the concept of Risk: The experience from the technologies of blood control”, NKUA (2015) (Member of the Examination Board)


Dimitrios Ziakkas, “ A History of Armament Projects: The Greek Air Force Case, 1950 to 2000”, (2014), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Member of the Examination Board)


Theodore Lekkas, “Public Image and Communities of Users of home computing in Greece, 1980-1990”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (2014) (Member of the Examination Board)


Vassiliki Aggelopoulou, “Aspects form the Development of Wind Energy in Greece”, NKUA (2014) (Member of the Examination Board)


Dionysios Paraskevopoulos, “Steam traction and steam trains in 19th century Greece (1868-1909)”, NKUA (2014) (Member of the Examination Board)


Serkan Karas, “Technological Infrastructures and Politics in Cyprus in the first half of the 20th century” (completed June 2013) (member of the Examination Board)

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